Fletcher Honored With 75th Annual Community Service Award

Friday night was an evening of celebration at the OCMS and CCDC Annual Dinner. One celebration that stood out was the 75th Annual Community Service Award that went to Mr. Duayne Fletcher from Osceola, Iowa. With heart-felt nominations from the community and his family, a humble Mr. Fletcher received Friday Night’s award.
Click through to the most recent update to read about Duayne and his award-winning dedication to the community…

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Clarke County Hospital Encourages Community-wide CHNA Survey Participation

Clarke County Hospital continues to promote the importance of the Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) Survey to the citizens of Clarke County, Iowa. The information gathered through this survey will help health and safety organizations develop strategies and programming for the entire county.
Click through to the latest update to learn more about the assessment and to get started on your feedback today…

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Collaborative Building Efforts Support Students, Community Growth

In partnerships with the City of Osceola, SWCC, CCDC, local contractors and more, Students at Clarke Community School are participating in a renewed Building Trades program. With projects on campus as well an exciting new home just off Osceola’s historic square, the students are gaining real-life experience.
Check out the latest update for a fun video and more information about the program…

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