With CCDC Support, County Moves Forward with Records Digitization

With funding earmarked from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) as well as a discretionary grant from the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), the Clarke County Supervisors decided to move forward with the completion of records digitization and archiving for both the Clarke County Recorder’s and the Clarke County Auditor’s offices.

Check out the latest feature to learn more about the County’s plans and the digitization project…

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With CCDC Support, County Moves Forward with Records Digitization

ith funding earmarked from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) as well as a discretionary grant from the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), the Clarke County Supervisors decided to move forward with the completion of records digitization and archiving for both the Clarke County Recorder’s and the Clarke County Auditor’s offices.
Check out the latest feature to learn more about the County’s plans and the digitization project…

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CCDC Grant Supports New Technology for Murray Students and Teachers

In the July board meeting, the CCDC approved a discretionary grant for Murray Community Schools that helped in the purchase of more than $54,000 of new technology. Through the hard work of Jeanie Bowers, Murray’s Technology Integrationist and the grant, Murray students and teachers will start the 2023-24 school year with new Chromebooks and classroom smart boards!
Check out the latest feature to learn more about the new Murray technology and the grant process that made is possible….

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Visioning Session Continues Impressive Community Response

Thursday night, at an open house at Revelton Distillery, local leadership and the community gathered to discuss and add more ideas for for the future development of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The event was very well attended and many exciting ideas were exchanged.

Take a look at the latest feature for more on the ideas proposed as well as next steps for the plan…

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