Osceola Fire Department has been awarded a FEMA grant for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Fire Prevention and Safety. This grant provides a 34ft state of the art fire safety training trailer. This training trailer contains multiple scenario options that match the most common threats in our community
More CCDC News →Upgrades to Iowa’s emergency notification system, Alert Iowa, are making it easier for residents of Clarke County to sign up and receive alerts about severe weather and other emergencies. Alert Iowa is a statewide emergency notification system the county uses to send alerts to residents. Improvements to
More CCDC News →As vaccination schedules for COVID-19 progress, Clarke County Emergency Management and the Clarke County Public Health want to help reduce any confusion surrounding vaccine availability in Clarke County and who will be receiving it. So, starting Thursday, January 21st, Clarke County residents can sign up to receive
More CCDC News →The Osceola Fire Department received notification that they are cleared by the Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services to operate a basic life support ambulance. The Fire Department ambulance will run as a backup and support to Clarke County Ambulance Offering additional
More CCDC News →In the September 11th board meeting for the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), Clarke County Emergency Management’s Byron Jimmerson was informed that two CCDC grants applied for in August had been approved. The grant money was in response to requests made by Jimmerson for funding of additional
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