The City has taken action on extending Osceola’s trails over the I-35 exit off of Clay street (exit 34). With the help of the CCDC and an application for a Federal TAP (Transportation Alternatives Program) grant, our trail network could reach as far as West Lake in the very near future.
Click through to the latest feature to read about what it took to make this happen the the vision for Osceola’s growing trail system…
In August of this year, the Clarke County Development Corporation celebrated it 55th anniversary. With a focus on community and economic development, the CCDC has been instrumental in much of Osceola and Clarke County’s growth and success.
Click through to the latest feature to read about some of the bigger milestones from CCDC’s first 55 years and a peek into their vision for the future…
The latest updates on Osceola Water Works’ 3-stage plan to help mitigate future water shortages has been completed with the addition of new infrastructure at SIRWA’s east water tower. This latest cooperative update will help reduce the draw on West Lake’s supply for customers across south central Iowa.
Click through to read more about the updates and how they’ll impact water supply for the region…
After an extensive search and interview process for the new Executive Director position at the Clarke County Development Corporation, the CCDC Board is happy to welcome Andrew B. Clark (no “e”) to the position starting September of 2024.
Click through to read about Andrew, his background with the community and local businesses, and his vision for the organization…
In the past few months, southern Iowa has seen more than expected extreme weather. From tornadoes and isolated rain straight-line winds to severe hail incidents, residents and businesses alike have been financially impacted by the damaging weather.
Federal grant programs for residents in Clarke Country are now available to help recover from the impact and costs of these storms. Those interested can click through to the latest feature to read more and to start their grant process.