CCDC Approves $75K Grant for Municipal Water Transport, Maintaining “Water Neutrality”

At the March 13th board meeting of the Clarke County Development Corporation (CCDC), the grant committee reviewed and approved a discretionary grant request for up to $75,000 to help The City of Osceola cover the fees associated to keeping the City’s municipal recreational resources “Water Neutral.”
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State of Osceola’s Water – Town Hall Follow-up

The team at Osceola Water Works would to thank everyone who participated in the State of Osceola’s Water Town Hall meeting on the 26th. There were a lot of great discussions and action items developed or reinforced from the event. Overall, it was a success and shows how the community can come together to discuss these issues.
In the most recent post, the Osceola Water Works team put together a summary of the meeting and the top action items taken from the evening’s conversations. They’ve also included the full, 2-hour video of the meeting for anyone who has missed it or would like to watch it again.

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