Rick’s Shelter: A Lasting Memorial for a True Community Leader

For those who don’t frequent the Osceola Sports Complex, the latest addition may come as a special surprise. In 2020, Osceola’s Rick Courcier passed from a long battle with cancer. In his memory, and to help carry his spirit and dedication to the community through to future generations, Rick’s friends and family as well as the City, Parks and Rec. Department and others, all came together to help memorialize him with “Rick’s Shelter.”
Click through to the latest feature and read about their mission to honor Rick and the special meaning it has to the entire community…

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East Lake Education Building Reaches Final County Supervisors’ Approval Stage

Just over the past handful of years, East Lake Park has undergone a facelift like no other recreational camping area in south central Iowa. Scott Kent, Director of Clarke County Conservation will be taking the next exciting development to the Clarke County Supervisors for a vote of support. The Education center is on the final stages for financial approval and community support will play a big part in making this development happen.

Click through to read how you can help make this Education Center become a reality for Clarke County and Osceola’s East Lake Park…

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City of Osceola Unveils New Website

osceola iowa website mobile

The City of Osceola’s new website can be seen at: OsceolaIA.net The City of Osceola is excited to share the new and improved City website! Incorporating the new Osceola brand mark (logo) being utilized around the city, this new site is designed to be more user-friendly and

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