SIRWA and Osceola Water Works Move Ahead on Intermediate Water Plan

The latest updates on Osceola Water Works’ 3-stage plan to help mitigate future water shortages has been completed with the addition of new infrastructure at SIRWA’s east water tower. This latest cooperative update will help reduce the draw on West Lake’s supply for customers across south central Iowa.
Click through to read more about the updates and how they’ll impact water supply for the region…

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Osceola Water Board Approves Plans for the Future of Osceola’s Water Supply

For more than 18-months, the Osceola Water Works team has been evaluating and researching the most impactful ways to supplement Osceola’s water supply and increase access to other raw water sources to serve the community. In Thursday’s monthly water board meeting, a plan was presented and approved with three focused stages, including estimated timelines and costs for the future of water in Osceola and Clarke County.
Check out the latest feature for more details on the plans for water within the community and surrounding areas…

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