Clarke County has a strong educational system with two school districts located within the county:
Clarke Community School is located in Osceola. Residents benefit from the new K-6 Elementary School and the newly expanded Jr./Sr. High School complex. There are approximately 115 students per grade. In the elementary there are an average of approximately 22 students per section. Clarke High School offers the English Language Learner Program to a growing Hispanic student population. More than 70% of Clarke graduates enroll in post-secondary education.
Murray Community School is located in Murray. Preschool through twelfth grade is housed in one educational complex. Eighty percent of all Murray graduates continue their education past high school. Murray is dedicated to the promotion of the highest standards in the areas of academic excellence and social involvement. The teacher-pupil ratio in elementary is 1:25.
Administration Office
P.O. Box 535
Osceola, IA 50213
Ph: 641-342-4969
Fax: 641-342-6101
216 Sherman St.
Murray, IA 50174
Ph: 641-447-2517
Fax: 641-447-2313
Within approximately thirty-miles of Osceola the opportunities for higher education are extensive.Southwestern Community College Osceola Center offers a wide variety of credit and non-credit courses using local faculty and the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). Southwestern offers top of the line educational opportunities for individuals, businesses and industries. Southwestern has a unique relationship with Graceland College of Lamoni, Iowa. Students are able to obtain a four-year degree locally. Southwestern also provides individualized training for local businesses and industry, enabling them to keep their workforce competitive in today’s marketplace. Other colleges and universities located nearby are: Graceland College in Lamoni; Simpson College in Indianola; Drake University, Grandview College, American Business Institute and Des Moines Area Community College all of Des Moines; and Iowa State University in Ames.