This time of year, parents with school-age children have their work cut out for them. From school preparation to scheduling after-school activities, being able to find the details on sports and recreation for the kids shouldn’t add to the work. That’s why, wen we spoke to Tim Riddle at the Osceola Parks and Recreation Department, we wanted to make sure there was a clear and easy-to-use approach to getting the kids registered for extracurricular activities like the upcoming youth soccer and flag football leagues.
Normally sent out in school registration packets and made available at registration day, with the schools taking their registration system online, soccer sign up forms and information didn’t make it to some that needed it. That’s when Riddle and the Parks and Rec team took action to make sure the forms were available in a couple of places.
With the City’s new website, each department, from Parks & Recreation to Fire, and Police, has been given their own section to manage information and relevant forms. The Parks and Recreation Department has been working on getting all of the information for the City’s activities loaded to the Web site and indexed for users to easily find.
If you go to, under the “Departments” tab you’ll find the “Parks & Recreation” page link (bookmark that link for future reference). There you’ll find all of the information about the department as well as links at the bottom of the page for programs, schedules, and more. For sign up forms and student registration, you’ll want to navigate to the “Forms” option. The Forms page will be kept up-to-date with all of the most recent activity forms and paperwork you’ll need for Parks and Rec activities.
In the future, the event calendar on the city’s Web site will also include Parks & Recreation activities and links for more information as well.
As an added option, Riddle and the team will make sure all activity updates and links to necessary forms will be available through the Osceola Parks & Recreation Facebook Page. Click on this link to go there and “Like” their page.
If you have any additional questions or are in need of more information on activities through Osceola Parks & Recreation, please contact City Hall / Parks & Recreation Department at 115 N Fillmore St, Osceola, IA 50213, phone: 641-342-2377 or email Tim Riddle at [email protected]